Land Survey Terms, A convenient source for our clients and website visitors
JURIS (Land Status Records) – Jurisdiction.
JACIE – Joint Agency Commercial Imagery Evaluation (Committee, USA)
JACOB’S STAFF – A single staff or pole used for mounting a surveyor’s compass or other instrument. Used instead of
a tripod, a Jacob’s staff is fitted with a ball-and-socket joint at its upper end, by means of which the instrument is
adjusted to a level position; the foot is fitted with a metal shoe which facilitates pressing the staff firmly into the
ground. many of the early land surveys in this country were made with surveyor’s compasses mounted upon Jacob’s
JAIL-SITE RESERVE – A reservation of public lands in Alaska, not exceeding 4,000 square feet originally for use as
a Territorial Jail Site.
JAMP – Joint Automated Mapping Project
JEEP TRAIL – A primitive road, usually passable by all-wheel-drive vehicles only.
JOINDER OF ACTIONS – This expression signifies the uniting of two or more demands or rights of action in one
action or lawsuit.
JUNCTION – The immediate locality in which two or more highway route meet. See INTERSECTION.
JUNCTION CLOSURE (USGS) – The amount by which a new survey line into a junction point fails to give the previously determined position or elevation for the junction points.
JUNCTION POINT – A survey point common to two or more survey lines.
JUDGMENT – In law an official formal decision given by a court, in another meaning, an obligation (as a debt)
created by the decree of the court.
JUNIOR CORNER – A corner which is part of a survey occurring at a date subsequent to a prior (senior) survey.
JUNIOR LINE – Survey lines created at different times have different standings. The “junior” line would be the line
created subsequent to an earlier line. See JUNIOR RIGHTS.
JUNIOR RIGHTS – Subordinate to the senior rights. The later patent issued usually has the subordinate right in a
situation where a later survey is in conflict with an earlier survey. The first patent issued usually has the superior
(senior) right and the second patent usually has the subordinate (junior) right, regardless of the dates of the original
JUNIOR SURVEY – A survey made subsequent to an earlier survey. See SENIOR SURVEY
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